Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nitrous Switch-Ya

well this car is absolutly pristine. Only 3600 miles. Looks garage kept to me. Not one oz of oxidation. It is the bomb....

You really think that someone would put a nitrous switch there ...Well, as a chemist I have learned people will do so really strange things...anything is possible...strange place to put a nitrous switch.....OK I have heard stranger....Maybe I will put one there....I think I could whip up some extra powerful nitrous rather easily....maybe come up with something even better....OK you have given me something to work on...

Except for that covered up hole. And it Kicks....way more powerful than that 2001 TA WS6 I had in TX-and that one was loaded....100% custom-The owner of Shipley's Donuts in Bryan, TX had it 2 weeks 2100 miles and his wife made him trade it in for a Yukon (5 kids). At the time I traded in my Camaro (6 cyl pea-shooter) and put 3K down got that honey for 14K....but it was black...never ever never ever never never never again a black car...paint begins to look terrible esp in TX....

The paint job on that black TA really suffered....and all that crap falling off all those trucks at 90 mph....took its toll ...In fact ,in my whole life I never had to replace so many windshilds, tires, had dents pulled from hail damage... I drove that brand new Camaro off the lot..parked it and had $400.00 in hail damage to the hood within 1 hour of ownership), not to mention the brand new Buick I brought in there from Chicago - lost in a flash flood (7 feet of disgusting muddy water) right in front of the TAMU cyclotron.....IT IS A HARD LIFE FOR A CAR IN TEXAS....ROTFLMFAO.....

This 2002 TA, I love it ....I love this car...I love it in white...beautiful, just stunning...even has auto ignition. So now I have a new hobby. I am going to customize this car. I have found one or two sites that look promising-where I can start customizing it. So if you know of any places I can go and look for stuff for this baby let me know..... And you see I really need a hobby...now that none of my co-workers will talk to me (lucky me-Woo Hoo) I have 100% peace and quiet and I can focus on searching the web for stuff for my new TA...Oh the Joys Of Owning This Car.... WOO HOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME


So how many people are going to continue talking them up for all that great quality with the current situation going on?

They told customers to remove the floor mats... Huh? And that would stop the throttle pedal from sticking... IF that was the cause, which it clearly wasn't.

Toyota had a 4million vehicle recall for replacement of floor mats... I couldn't see that being what THEY thought was the problem, but okay... Floor mats were no big deal.

Now we're hearing more, and it includes some of the truth. Toyota has STOPPED production and told their dealers to STOP SELLING 8 different models! WOW!!

Last month or sometime recently, a Toyota crashed in the local area (around Dallas) and all 4 people inside were killed. It is now pretty well known, the stuck throttle led to the panic, and the resulting crash. The car ran through an intersection, crashed through a fence and went into a small lake, upside down. The disoriented passengers soon drown. The water temp was very low, so hypothermia probably set in quickly. It must've sucked, being strapped into your death machine, upside down, water rushing in, disoriented, hearing screams from the other people about to die with you.

The worst part is, such a crash is EASILY avoided by a seasoned driver who maintains composure. Not all seasoned drivers can do that, but in this case, simply steering into the tree(which they went right past) may have prevented the icy deaths. Or yanking the wheel in either direction. Most convincingly, shifting into neutral or turning the ignition key to the off position could've saved all 4 lives. I guess, with todays vehicles, you can't do that until the transmission is out of gear. Of course, the brakes are designed to stop vehicles, so that was another great option apparently not used in time. Anyway, I feel bad for these people and they're not the only ones who crashed so far.

What gets me now is, there are people being interviewed, who drive the affected vehicles with the recall and they're STILL driving and some are simply not concerned. Not concerned, even KNOWING people have died as a result of the faulty equipment offered by their favorite brand... I heard one lady claim that it's all good... They're gonna fix it and I won't have to pay... Gotta love idiocy. I'd be taking my car into the nearest dealership and demanding repair A.S.A.P. after the deadly crash.

If one of these knuckleheads crashed into me, they'd better be in the Tundra, 1st of all... Aside from that, I'm going to get me a brand new vehicle... provided I'm still mobile instead of dead or worse, paralyzed. I would even consider suing due to blatent negigence, for continue to drive after being told the vehicle is unsafe to drive.

New game

This one will be fun as everyone will be rushing to time that 1000th post perfectly. But a few simple rules....

1) Any new members posting in this thread have to have at least 10 posts in other areas and have to be contributing in nature. News, jokes, pics, etc... Start a flame ware and consider yourself out.

2) Three or more consecutive posts by a member in an attempt to drive up the post count are not eligible. If you do make three consecutive posts, do not post again until someone else posts in this thread then continue.

3) Just have fun. Put up some jokes, pics, news, etc...

The prize... I think the prize will be something tangible this time. I'm offering an HID retrofit kit for your car. It will be for the low beam only in one of the following bulb types; H1, H3, H4, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H13, 9004, 9005, 9006, 9007, HB3 OR HB4.

The color options are 4300k which is closest to natural light and will have the best performance or you can choose a 5000k bulb which is a pure white. Might look better but not as good for driving.

The kit will include bulbs, ballast and required wiring. Winner will need to let me know which bulb type and color you need.

Alternately you can take $75 in lieu of the prize if you are hard up and need the cash.

some pics of the new race unit

Cars buildup!

It's been a long process for me, but I feel like I am finally making some headway on my project and thought I'd share. I welded up some of the holes in the engine bay and painted it. I've never painted prior so it's definately not perfect but I dont think it turned out too bad considering.

I suppose this will work for a before pic

The area that is cut out on the passenger side was chopped up by a local shop so I decided to cut the area out and later I will add in panels once I have the turbo sitting back in there so I can make a template and will paint it to match.

Old K-member removed here

With the new UPR Chrome-moly K-member -crappy pics I know, it's a cheap camera! I couldn't bolt the A-arms in yet because UPR didn't send the "hardware kit" so I called them up, they sent it out yesterday and I just got it today. I'm going to get busy here in a few and slap them on.

Coilover kit just hanging there until I decide which brakes to go with, I'm thinking Areospace, but this guy I know keeps saying Strange! I only sprayed some Krylon on the inside of the inner strut towers, not like it'll get alot of attention lol.

UPRs 4 bolt CC plates.

Heres my Bennett shortblock and I took some pics of the heads but the camera sucked and I'm sure my photography skills had something to do with it to lol, and they turned out blurry so I didn't post them. They are Street heat Hi ports with a little work done to 'em.

I'm going to retain the A/C and power brakes for now but will be converting to a manual rack before I start setting the motor in.

Btw, I bought some Cobra bumper covers a while back and have painted the front bumper cover but still have to do the rear. I didn't intend to make a fobra, but I loved the look of the Cobra front cover and bought a front and rear so I've decided to go ahead and complete the look with some snake badges as well. Oh well to the Fobra haters out there. All I have to say, is that if it can't keep up with a stock cobra then I have bigger issues to worry about!

I still have a long way to go and I've talked with Trans. Physicians about building the AODE for me when the time comes. He seems pretty confident that he can build me one that will work!