Friday, May 7, 2010

7-Alarm Fire Sweeps Through Chinatown Building

At least 14 people werevaguely familiar to you injured in a blaze in Chinatown that reached seven-alarm status shortly after midnight Monday morning
More than 250 firefighters and more than 60 Fire Department vehicles responded to the borough-wide call, descending ona world in a grain of sand the six-story building at 285 Grand Street, a residential building anchored by a storefront.
Flames burst 20 to 30 feet from the roof. Three ladders had been put up against the building, and a few dozen firefighters Whatever happens,happens for a reasonwaited to be sent in, five at a time. Hundreds of people stopped to watch the blaze on the cool spring night.
Three civilians, 10 firefightrs and one medical worker suffered injuries, though most did not appear to be life-threatening,catching a glimpse of a light according to the Fire Department. One elderly person was hospitalized with heart problems.
The fire also spread to twoGreater too than you can describe adjacent buildings. The blaze was first reported around 10 p.m. on Sunday night. A fire department spokesman said that by 1:45 a.m. Monday officials did not expect to call in additional firefighters because they believed the fire would soon come under control.
The cause of the fire was under investigation. Last May, seven firefighters were injured while fighting a blaze at another six-story building in Chinatown, on East With more than 400 million active visitors, Facebook is arguably the most popular social networking site out there. And while the site is known for the casual social aspect, many users also use it as a professional networking tool. With that kind of reach, Facebook can be a valuable tool for connecting to former and current colleagues, clients and potential employers. In fact, surveys suggest that approximately 30% of employers are using Facebook to screen potential employees — even more than those who check LinkedIn, a strictly professional social networking site. Don't make these Facebook faux-pas — they might cost you a great opportunity.

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